The three pink thirds had a lot of fun living under one roof trading books, plotting stories, trading recipes, tweaking fashion ideas, planning photo shoots, sharing giggles and hugs, and reality checks when necessary. And then the phone rang, and the first third started to pack her bags for an adventure - an adventure that didn't include the other thirds. Her heart was pretty sad as she stuffed two suitcases full of clothes and bits of home, and wished very much there was room for the other thirds. She boarded a plane all by herself and flew to the land of Hot and Dry. She arrived at a house in the middle of a HUGE city, parked her bags in a new room and when the first day of her adventure was over she wished very much there had been room in her bags for her pillow. On the second day of her adventure, a very sweet note, tucked in between packed clothes when she wasn't looking, made her feel a little less lonely and she was very cheerful as she started to unpack her bits of home and settle in. But when bedtime came, the lack of her soft squishy pillow was dwarfed by the lack of her fellow comrades in pink. Bad dreams didn't help the situation.
The third day of her adventure was long, windy and loud. And she can't help thinking that it would feel more like an adventure if she wasn't so lonely.
Don 't worry.
I have no idea how long I'll be here, so if all of a sudden small details don't add up and it sounds like posts are being written on opposite ends of the country . . . . they are. :)
Trying to see the nice side of this temporary move, I have to admit that the temperature outside is very nice and warm. I've enjoyed seeing green grass and roses blooming on street corners - although I do feel a little like I've completely skipped spring. (Which is one of my favorite seasons.) And come Monday I'll be nanny-ing the 10 month old nephew while Sorelle works.

Still a lonely pink third,
Irish Rose