One minute I was slightly panicking because my 5 a.m. alarm failed to go off and I was worried about getting to the airport on time (traffic ended up being complicated by construction and I made it to my gate with two minutes to spare - I don't recommend cutting it that close); the next I'm trying to deal with the reality that I miss my nephews more than I can say while simultaneously coming to grips with the news that a very dear friends has inoperable brain tumors (a temporary, two week job involving a lot of physical labor helps . . . a little); the
next I'm at music camp trying to rest/learn
really hard music/work my way through the lessons about grace and confidence God is teaching me.
Hmmm . . . June, July and August condensed in 131 words and three blinks. Which brings us, more or less up to date. The two week job turned into a semi-permanent job which will probably last through September: plans to begin teaching private music lessons are in as full a swing as I can manage with The Other Job still in play; I've started doing some free-lance writing for another blogger; I'm catching up on my reading-list; I'm woefully behind in my August NaNo Camp attempt. Sharpi is working full time and juggling her own reading list and 365 Day Art challenge; Chickadee is extra busy helping mom - she's had to pick up the extra home and garden responsibilities that were untended once Sharpi and I started working. (I'm wondering how much adjusting we all will have to do when the autumn season returns us all to our previous states of 'normal' - I think she rather likes having our parents to herself most of the day.

) Its been a whirlwind summer and I don't see any reason for the whirlwind to calm down now that the academic year is fast approaching. There are a lot of things we could tell you - a lot of stories that could be shared - but at this point I'm just checking in on my way through to let you know we haven't forgotten you. Though a twinge in the back of my brain hints that we maybe we forgot to celebrate our blog's first birthday . . . . .
I'll try think about that one on my way to The Next Thing . . . which, hopefully, will involve a cookie.
Irish Rose