Congratulations for winning and being the first to guess correctly! Please let us know which prize you would like and we will get it to you as soon as possible.
*On a side note - I(Sharpi) apologize for the horribly random, incredibly vague clues. I tend to get completely confusing when I'm trying to be vague :) Thanks for hanging in there!*
After running the other entries through a random number generator, our second winner is - Rachel H!
Crafting the bows has been great fun and as soon as we put final touches - like paint - in place, we'll post pictures. Since I (Irish Rose) am not allowed to play with power tools *ahem*, I really enjoyed being out in dad's shop working with the heat gun and a hand saw . . . I think the part I liked most was doing something with my dad.
Thanks for guessing!
We Three
Thanks for guessing!
We Three