Sunday, July 24, 2011

Well that only took a few weeks . . . . .

When we first started talking about a blog, I naively thought, "A couple days and this will be up and running" . . . . Yeah, right!  I had no idea that settling on a title (that wasn't already being used) would take so long.  But the important bit is that we finally made it to the fun part: designing the blog and writing posts.  :)  So if all of a sudden our blog doesn't look the way it did when you were here yesterday, we're just getting the hang of re-design.  And if our profile pictures keep changing on you, its because we haven't reached the end of Google - way too many cute pictures out there!
So welcome.  :)  We hope you'll visit often.


  1. What enchanting stuff! And I know who Irish Rose is, too.
    (Must have more water before I settle into bed...)

  2. Looks just like all of you. :) Now I will never see any of you without a computer in tow. ;)
