Monday, October 24, 2011

Things To Look For in the Foreseeable Future

  When we were talking about starting this blog we had a few ideas for what we were going to use it for - so that it wouldn't just be about the ins and outs of our lives. (Although those can be pretty interesting:) 
   Because we know just how hard it is to dress fashionably and modestly we wanted to share with you various tips we have discovered - but mainly to encourage you that it really is possible to dress modestly and cute. 

   So, when we get around to actually starting those posts keep your eyes open for these titles:

Score! These posts will cover accessories, pieces, or entire outfits that we have found for ridiculously cheap. We will list the price of each item and then, if we can find the items online, a comparing list of their original price.  (It's partially because I get a kick out of seeing how much I was able to save on an adorable outfit:)
We will also mention if they were second hand store finds or items placed on clearance. 

Occasionally Affordable   Because finding clothing really inexpensively is not always possible, there is the middling ground of this section.  We will mention a few tricks we have learned in deciding when and when not to actually buy a piece of clothing.
Being able to find coupons will really help with this, and the following, section.

Splurge!  I believe that every woman in the world ought to go out and splurge at least once . . . . . or twice. . . .occasionally.  :)  (Irish Rose's note - as she laughs hysterically: spoken by the sister who is most likely to fit the description "miser".)
This section is for those purchases that are either so cute we can't live without them (buy them, trust me, other wise you will get home, which is probably hours and hours away, regret that you left it in the store, and are never able to find it again) or so necessary that we had to break down and buy them.

Remade  For those outfits that are adorable but are not quite acceptable "as is".  More than once we've found something that we like (not as easy as it sounds), fits well (bonus!), but has an added complication of being too short/neckline being too low/strapless, etc.  In some cases those cute clothes can be re-made to blend fashion with modesty.  We're still learning the in's and out's of re-modeling clothes, so if anyone has any really good books on the seamstress's craft, recommend them to us!

We thought it might be helpful to have specific names for these sections so that you could see at a glance what kind of post it is.  We're hoping to get these up and running soon - and if we can't find a dressmakers model somewhere we may just have to rig up a sheet and hangers:)
If you have any tips, shopping techniques or favorite websites we'd love to hear them.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to future posts! I would love to know where you find your clothes:)
