About Us

Welcome to our blog!  We are three sisters trying to live our lives and use our gifts to glorify our Lord and Savior.  We started this blog as a way to craft our writing abilities in a more public arena as well as provide updates on the projects we're working on.  At the moment, for Irish Rose that means another edit on her book; Sharpi is busy working on illustrations; Chickadee has her hands full keeping them all sane.  :)

A few random details just in case you don't know us:

There are five siblings - three girls and two boys.   Our wise, intrepid parents home schooled all of us and we will be forever grateful!  Learning didn't end with the acquisition of a high school diploma - we all have taken/are taking college courses and can't wait to learn more.
The Soldier (stationed way down south) is married and daddy to three little boys; The Genius is a machinist in a big city.  And then there are The Three Sisters (as our nephew dubbed us).  Irish Rose likes to talk to herself (or inanimate objects) at random moments; she also teachings small people (and a few big ones :) to play the violin.  Sharpi must be part cat - sometimes she isn't a big fan of water, and one can almost hear her purr when you hand her chocolate; she is also our artist-in-residence and a very fine pianist. If you ask Chickadee a movie trivia question she'll probably know the answer - even for the old black and white war movies; she also has the odd habit of making people cry when she plays her flute.

We've chosen to use nicknames and avoid exact locations in an effort to protect our family's privacy - so if you know us, thanks in advance for honoring that choice.  We hope you enjoy your visit!