Saturday, December 8, 2012

Just out of curiousity . . . .

      I'm afraid that the novelty of stalking our own blog has not worn off.  One of the things we look forward to when we drop into our corner of the virtual world is checking the stats page to see who has dropped by to see what up in our corner of the world.  And we were wondering . . . .


Don't get us wrong - we LOVE the company and we'd be oh-so-excited if you dropped by again to visit.  (Really - do come back.  We might even feed you.)  Every time we check our stats page, we are shocked.  We can explain the countries that contain dear, if very far away friends.  But we cannot for the life of us figure out how the seemingly random countries - with which we have no known connection - has found our insiginficant corner on The Web.  So help us out.  :)  We'd love to change that "no known connection" into a known connection.  We'd love to hear how you found us, if you think you'll drop in again, if there is something specific you'd like to see us write about . . . .

Leave us a comment.  :)  It will be good practice for the giveaway that is being planned (hint, hint.)

Irish Rose


  1. I found you from the Krahn's sidebar on their blog. You already know quite a bit about me:):):) Well, maybe you don't know that I love to listen to "The Wilds" singing in "A Living Sacrifice"(great CD by the way). Hope this will do:) Elizabeth Joy Mitton

  2. I found you from a link on another blog.
    Greenpastures farm
    I enjoy your writing.

    Kari (from Canada)

  3. Hmmm I don't remember how I found y'all :) I think I heard you guys talk about it or something :p
    Reuben ( from Taiwan 從台灣)

  4. Thank you for the responses, we love to hear from you all!
    And it is nice to 'meet' you Kari:) I hope we can continue to make our blog enjoyable for everyone.
