Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cabin Fever

Going through Drafts recently I found this little post. No idea why it didn't get put up on the blog, but I thought it would be fun to do a small comparison - The underlined text will be for this year.

Anyone else have trouble with catching a major dose of Cabin Fever around this time of year?  Well. . . . . I do, so in an attempt to distract myself I've decided to make a post of smileys, just to see how many different ones I can find.

Isn't it almost spring yet?
Surprisingly Cabin Fever has not yet landed that hard upon us . . . strange.

 I don't know about you, but I would love to get my hands in a pile of damp, fragrant dirt right about now. And I can't figure out if all the seed companies send out their catalogs now to try combat cabin fever for all the people stuck inside, or to somehow taunt us because they live in a warmer climate. . . . . . . Yea, there's another symptom, paranoia (occasionally acute)
Another feeling that has not magnified itself yet. The seed catalogs, however, have been arriving since before Christmas, maybe they are trying to induce cabin fever to up their orders . . . . 

 Okay, moving on. . . .

It was Super Bowl Sunday this past week. . .
Buuuutttt, we're not going to talk about that because I don't like sports, and therefore, the only thing I know about it is that the New York Giants won - and I don't even know where I read that.

I still don't like sports, which means we are also not going to talk about it again this year! And I did see on Facebook who won. . . but I didn't pay enough attention to be able to recall who it was.

Cabin Fever has several very telling symptoms - the most prominent of which is the fact that a single activity can't hold attention for longer than a minute or so. (5 tops)

Yesterday I dug out some material and cut some of it up into blocks for a baby quilt. I didn't work on it too long, but now I have a nice stack of blocks waiting to be sewn together.

This year I have moved onto doing some stitching on a lap quilt and finishing up some embroidery that was half finished.

We had a GORGEOUS few days last week where it was really cold and crisp, (Which also adds to cabin fever, by the way) it brought with it a beautiful blanket of thick, glittering frost that coated everything. So, being the photo nut I am I had to go out and take lots of pictures!

Pictures - hmm, not so much. It has been mostly extremely cold and I don't stir outside unless I have too. Come to think of it .  .  . I don't think I have even touched my camera since November.

In addition to working on my daily sketches, I have been working on my reading list.  I always seem to forget how much I love to read. . . until I find a book I've never read before.

Reading? Not so much lately, though there have been a few books here and there. Sketching? Yes, I went ahead and started another Sketching challenge this year and am attempting to make sure they are nice sketches instead of slap-dash scribbles.


How do you combat Cabin Fever?  (Other than taking off for Florida for the winter, that is:)


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